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Wellness & Mental Health Services at LRIS

Theory Preparation Icon

SEL Virtual Library

Check out this awesome Visual Library with all kinds of great links and resources. We didn't create this, but we're sure glad someone did! 

Social/Emotional Learning

Since 2019-2020, Lava Ridge students have been participating in SEL curriculum each week. Every Monday in our Advisory class students have meaningful lessons and conversations about the following topics.  


  • Resilience

  • Academic Success

  • Growth Mindset

  • Decision Making

  • Planning

  • Helping Others

  • Relationships

  • Staying Calm

  • Resolving Conflicts

  • Bullying & Harassment

  • Thoughts & Emotions

  • Perspective Taking

  • Mindfulness


Wellness Center

Our Wellness Center was designed with our students' needs in mind. Young people are just learning to master their emotions and sometimes it's hard to navigate day-to-day social interactions, school pressures, and, well... life is just hard sometimes! 


Students who visit the Wellness Center are given the time, skills, and opportunity to regulate their emotions in a calm, quiet environment so that they can get back to class and learn. 


We have a Wellness Center Coach who can help with anything the student might need. We have clothing, a small pantry, school supplies, and activities that help calm and soothe and teach breathing/emotion regulation techniques that we all could use.  This can be the first step to a counseling referral as well.


Please visit or call with questions! 

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